Understanding IFRS Sustainability Disclosures Standard- IFRS S1

In an era marked by increasing emphasis on sustainability, businesses and investors are recognizing the vital role of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) factors. In response, the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) has unveiled a groundbreaking initiative—the IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Standards. These standards, beginning with IFRS S1, aim to revolutionize sustainability reporting, providing a comprehensive framework for organizations to disclose their ESG performance and engage with stakeholders in a more transparent manner.

Unveiling IFRS S1:
Recently introduced by the ISSB, the IFRS S1 marks the first of a series of standards designed to set a global baseline for sustainability disclosures. This initiative responds to the escalating demand for more robust and consistent ESG information by investors and stakeholders, ultimately contributing to more resilient and efficient capital markets.

The Essence of IFRS S1:
IFRS S1 is not merely about compliance; it is about fostering meaningful communication between companies and investors. By providing a structured approach to disclosing sustainability-related risks and opportunities, IFRS S1 equips companies with the tools to effectively convey their prospects and attract potential investors.

Core of IFRS S1:
At the heart of IFRS S1 lie its disclosure requirements, which offer a framework for companies to provide investors with essential information on sustainability-related matters. These requirements are designed to facilitate informed investment decisions while ensuring comparability and reliability across entities.

Materiality in Focus:
Materiality serves as a cornerstone in IFRS S1. Companies are called upon to disclose information that is not just relevant but also has the potential to impact investment decisions. This principle aligns with the existing materiality concept in financial reporting, ensuring that sustainability disclosures are investor-focused.

Connected Information:
Another vital aspect of IFRS S1 is its emphasis on connected information. The standard seeks to establish clear links between different sustainability-related risks, opportunities, and financial statements. This connection ensures that the information provided presents a holistic view of the organization’s sustainability performance.

Guidance for Robust Reporting:
IFRS S1 provides companies with guidance on comprehensive reporting. It directs attention to sources such as the SASB Standards and the CDSB Framework (and even GRI and ESRS), offering assistance in identifying and disclosing a wide array of sustainability-related risks and opportunities. This comprehensive approach contributes to more meaningful and informative disclosures. See our blog post on https://vi-m.com/esg/navigating-esg-reporting-frameworks-focus-on-the-differences-and-similarities/.

Adopting the Standard:
Companies embarking on the journey toward adopting IFRS S1 can begin with a focus on climate-related risks and opportunities. The standard acknowledges the need for a gradual transition and offers reliefs in the first year to ease the process. This approach allows organizations to align with their resources and gradually expand their sustainability reporting efforts. Although this standard is effective for annual reporting periods beginning on or after 1 January 2024, with earlier adoption permitted, countries are allowed to choose their own adoption dates. On 8 November, 2022, the Financial Reporting Council of Nigeria (FRCN) announced Nigeria’s adoption of IFRS sustainability disclosure standards. Listed companies and Public Interest Entities in Nigeria are required to adopt the IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Standards but no effective date has yet been announced for Nigeria.

In the pursuit of a sustainable and transparent future, the IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Standard S1 stands as a transformative tool. By enhancing the quality and comparability of sustainability disclosures, the standard empowers organizations to engage with investors and stakeholders on a deeper level. As businesses embrace these standards, they contribute to a more informed investment landscape and pave the way for a resilient global economy.

Accessing the Path Forward:
For companies and investors eager to navigate the complexities of sustainability reporting, IFRS S1 provides a comprehensive roadmap. As organisations embrace the shift toward ESG transparency, these standards become a catalyst for positive change, driving progress and accountability in the realm of sustainable business practices. For deeper insight and understanding of the IFRS S1, you may watch the IFRS’ Foundation’s webinar on the topic following this link – https://www.ifrs.org/supporting-implementation/supporting-materials-for-ifrs-sustainability-disclosure-standards/ifrs-s1/an-in-depth-explainer-ifrs-s1/

To gain a deeper understanding into how the sustainability disclosures will specifically impact your business, we, at Vi-M Professional Solutions are available to assist you. Please contact us via our email address – clients@vi-m.com.