Company or Business Name *
Phone Number *
Company or Business URL / Website
Physical Address of the Business (or its head office)
Describe Your Service Needs in details (also describe frequency of deliverables as required) *
Describe Your Business Briefly *
How Many Employees Does the business (or its Nigerian business, in case of multinationals) have? *
Does the business hire contract workers? If yes, please specify number of workers and frequency of hire *
Are You a foreign owned business or a business with foreign affiliation? * Yes No
If the business is a foreign owned business or a business with foreign affiliation, please describe your foreign ownership or affiliations
Does your business have any branches? if yes, how many?
Where are the branches located?
Does your business have any subsidiaries? If yes, would you like us to quote for them as well? Also state the number and location of subsidiaries
Please list and describe all the goods or services your business supplies *
KYC Question - Please list the names of your shareholders and their respective percentage shareholdings *
KYC Question - Please list the names of your executive and non-executive directors *
KYC Question - If the business is not incorporated, please list the names of your proprietors *
* Indicate number of warehouses and/ or shops (if more than one)
When was the business incorporated? When did it commence business? *
Does the business currently make use of an accounting or ERP Software? If yes, please indicate the name of the software.
Does the business currently make use of an accounting or ERP software? If no, please indicate if the business needs an accounting or ERP software. If yes, indicate the features or functionalities the business would like in an accounting software.
Does the business have or need a payroll & HR software? Please indicate the name of the existing or required payroll& HR Software
When were your financial statements last audited? *
When last did the business file its income taxes?
When last did the business get a tax clearance certificate?
How many bank accounts does the business operate? *
What is the typical volume of transactions of the business? Indicate number of bank (and POS and other payment methods) statement pages the business typically has in a month *
Does the business have any loans or credit facility? If yes, please describe *
Is the Nigerian Business making up to N25million and above in annual turnover? * Yes No
Is the Nigerian Business making up to N100million and above in annual turnover? * Yes No