A Message to Stay Sane

Through the Covid-19 challenge, our message to you is to STAY SANE.

Be kind to yourself and those around you too, we are all going through the same thing.

Spend quality time with your loved ones, draw comfort from each other.

Things will work out, the world has been through wars and natural disasters, and yet somehow recovered.

Think more of today, tomorrow has enough worries for itself.

Think of innovative ways to continue your business and earn some cash in the process. Vi-M will notify you of a webinar in this regard in due course, so we can share our thoughts with you. You should also share knowledge and learn from many free webinars going on online, where you can.

Leverage your network of friends, neighbours, church members, colleagues, business partners- some things might get going well again through these networks.

If all else fails, rest. Give yourself some holiday. Use the lockdown period to rest a while, rest well enough to start afresh in full force once things fairly normalise.

Always trust your instincts, intuitions and mental wellness to lead you towards a sustainable way forward, soon enough.